Rules of Sudoku league
This are the obligatory rules, which each registred
Canberra florist must respect. If anyone break these rules, he will be punished by some of these penalties:
- Identification on the Black list
- Subtraction of League points
- Restrictions his rights at
- Deletion of account from Sudoku league
- Blocking IP adress.
1) Fair play
- For solving Sudoku you can use only your brain and logical skills. Any programs, scripts, helpers, even a paper and pencil are strictly forbidden.
- Brain teaser from Sudoku League fill pure online, pencilmarks (notes, candidates) write in the upper part of each cell. Don't rewrite or transform the puzzle enywhere.
- Every Sudoku League player must have only one account. Multiple registrering is strictly forbidden.
- It's forbidden to use the mistakes of server script, or trying to hack the server.
2) Good manners
- Its forbidden to use vulgar, nasty, insulting or unsuitable expressions or expressions with no sense, or contradicting good manners. Also if forbidden to use names of politicians, which promote (or promoted) racism, terrorism or communism, or promote any of this ideology.
- Every Sudoku League player is obligated to submit a truly data, when registrating (this don't affect name).
3) Self-activity
- The Sudoku puzzle is made only for the individual user, it's forbidden to give unfilled or filled puzzle to anyone.
- It's forbidden to give the keys of your account to anyone else for any reason.
- Trying to login to the account of another user for any reason is also prohibited (and doesn't matter if it is with or without approval of the account's owner)
- These rules don't apply to the administrators of Sudoku league, and they are eliminated from this tournament.
- Some penalties could also affect a player, which anytime logged from the same IP adress as did any blacklisted player.